Christmas in July
Could you use a chilling breeze to cool down your hot July? A wisp of swirling snow on the sidewalk? An unseasonal boost of hope and Christmas wonder? Dr. Roger Leslie treats us to this and much more in his new release, No Stranger Christmas. Today on the blog, it’s Christmas in July as I highlight his latest novel—his 20th book in fact—in this special interview with my friend and colleague, Dr. Roger Leslie.
Andria: Hi Roger! It is always a joy for me to speak with you, and today is no different. You write both fiction and nonfiction. In fact, I often refer my clients to one of your nonfiction works, From Inspiration to Publication, which I find very helpful for new authors navigating the writing and publishing process. I especially love reading and editing your novels. Tell me more about your newest release entitled No Stranger Christmas.
Roger: Thank you, Andria. No Stranger Christmas is a LGBTQ+ young adult novel. While trying to save Christmas for his financially struggling family, 14-year-old Frankie Lincoln finds the courage to explore his artistry, stand up to gay discrimination, and pursue first love.
Andria: Having already read the book myself, I know that you intentionally and adeptly develop the character of young Frankie. He finds himself in some challenging situations and does his best to navigate them in ways that align with his values. I found this to be one of many of themes in your book that apply to us all, regardless of our age or station in life. What is another theme from the book that is particularly meaningful to you?
Roger: Faith and artistry give us the courage to live our dreams.
Andria: Mmm...yes. Faith and creativity blend, don’t they? While editing, I noticed that what many consider to be conventional family dynamics, male/female roles, or simple holiday traditions dance with, challenge, and even blend with the unconventional. When this happens in the storyline—though there may be collisions of thoughts, egos, or traditions—ultimately, inclusion is the result. There are many examples in your story of inclusion and acceptance, whether it is of one’s sexuality, gender roles, religious beliefs, or family traditions. Can you tell me about other characters in the story besides our protagonist, Frankie Lincoln?
Roger: Like the protagonist, readers will love to hate mean and hurtful Noel Pappas. When readers discover what she tried to do to Frankie and what she says to him later, they'll recognize a damaged, angry soul. As for me, while writing this book, I fell in love with Mary Carroll because she's fun, bold, eccentric, wise, and compassionate.
Andria: Ah yes, for sure! I loved the way she sparkled—and caused a few sparks, too! So, let’s talk a little more about you, Roger. In addition to being a prolific writer, you are also a writing coach, editor, and publisher. What it’s like working with another editor?
Roger: My editor is brilliant! She has the objective eye and compassionate feedback that encourages me to be brave when I write.
Andria: Thank you. That means a lot to me coming from you. We have also worked together in one of your ventures to help other authors. Tell my readers about Paradise Publishing, if you will.
Roger: Sure! I run a hybrid publishing company called Paradise Publishing. Although I still get books in some genres traditionally published, I love the process of not only writing, but also publishing my books. I chose to publish this book through Paradise because it fits precisely into my mission to inspire readers to live the life they dream and empower them to follow their own unique spiritual path.
Andria: Absolutely, and I know how fulfilling it is to you to publish other authors whose books align with those two tenets: “inspiring readers to live the life they dream” and “empowering readers to follow their own unique spiritual path.”
If you are anything, Roger, you are inspiring. I want to leave my readers today with some inspiration from your own experience as a writer. Tell me, what do you love most about writing?
Roger: I love the adventure of delving deep into my subconscious and discovering new facets of myself and the universe that I don't think I could find any other way.
Andria: Yes, the adventure. So finally, after having published twenty books and having ten more in various stages of work, what do you do when you just don’t feel like writing?
Roger: Perseverance is the key to success in any endeavor. Not feeling like writing never keeps me from my daily writing goals. I "just show up" and write. I am ALWAYS grateful I did.
Andria: I love that about you. You are a disciplined and systematic person, and simultaneously, you nurture your faith and well-being. You respect the nudges that indicate it’s time to pause or re-evaluate.
Roger, I love you dearly. You have been a friend and colleague for over twelve years. You’ve impacted my personal and professional life with your wisdom and your joy. Thank you so much for this story, No Stranger Christmas, which I know will positively impact each soul who opens its beautifully-designed cover.
How to Connect with Dr. Roger Leslie
Here’s where to learn more about Dr. Roger Leslie and connect with him about his books and services:
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