Author Highlight: B. E. Brecht

Drawing from personal experiences of love lost, love rekindled, and love released, romance novelist, B. E. Brecht, mixes real life romance with flourished fiction. Over the past couple of years, I’ve had the pleasure of editing Brian’s three books, and I’d like to introduce you to the man behind the fiction . . . and nonfiction.

In his first book, Always One, Brian’s writing style draws the reader into the throes of first love—the escalated emotions and longings blended with the uncertainties of life for two young people just starting out. His second book, Eternity, takes the reader on a journey of a seasoned lover, one who has lost love further in life and drives all over the country in search of his soulmate. Finally in Book Three, Brian leads us to a hotel where two lovers reunite and spend just 15 Hours in 213 to relive lost love in just 15 stolen hours.

Andria: Hi, Brian! Thank you for spending some time to tell my readers about your books. Pull back the curtain, if you will, and tell us the story behind the story.

Brian: Sure, this trilogy is a story of two soulmates. It begins in Book One when we are 19 and 18 years old and weaves a tale of love that any romantic, young or old, male or female, can easily follow, never losing interest. If you love music from the eighties and the nostalgia the decade created, this read will take you back to a purer time.

A: Oh, I’m an eighties child for sure! I really enjoyed the way you wove memorable music throughout Always One in particular. It was a huge part of the main characters’ budding relationship. Can you tell me how you went about writing their story?

B: At first I followed my heart and memories. Then, later, with a stroke of good luck and aging diaries, I was able to finish.

A: I have included pictures of your three published books in the content of our interview. So, each book is fiction but based on your real life experiences. What inspired you to write and publish them?

B: The need to save the memories that were fading away. To lose what we had would be tragic.

A: That’s a beautiful purpose. Let’s talk more about your writing process, capturing those memories and organizing them into love stories. Are you a professional writer, or have you had any formal training to write?

B: Haha! Absolutely not. I had never written a full paragraph in my life. After two family members read my continuous paragraph of a book, I was told that I had a gift, so here I am! Now, I am a writer from 3am to 7am, and after coffee, I am a professional driver from 8am to 6pm.

A: Quite honestly, that’s amazing that you devote yourself to your craft that way. So, beginning with your first book, Always One, when did you decide to bring an editor on board?

B: When I was told that there needs to be more than one paragraph in a book and that indents were kind of important. Haha!

A: Well then, I’d say you got some good advice. Haha! As your editor, I can honestly say you are a good story-teller. You paint pictures with your dialog. And then . . . yes, you need an editor to help clean it all up. *wink* In all sincerity, I’m glad you chose me. What do you think you love most about being an author?

B: Hearing someone tell me they were in the room with my characters while reading my books. To me, that means I have touched their heart and soul.

A: For sure. As I edited, I could certainly feel the ache of young love. I can imagine it was both exhilarating and maybe even a little draining to weave your own love stories into your books. It’s worth noting: writing, editing, and publishing demands a significant investment of time, money, and energy. So Brian, what do you think led you to this pursuit and keeps you going?

B: Writing came to me after I had a mini-stroke three years ago. It was like magic. Suddenly, words came to mind, followed by sentences, then paragraphs, and ultimately books. Something I had never done before suddenly came so easily to me. It is truly a blessing.

A: Wow. First, I’m so glad you survived that experience. Second, what a fascinating gift to develop! I’ve shared this with you before: you are the second of one of my authors to have that sort of experience—a brain trauma that led to abundant creative talent, specifically as a writer. What a silver lining to an otherwise life-altering event.

Brian, thank you for sharing a few minutes with me here. And thank you for sharing your heart with us in your three books: Always One, Eternity, and 15 Hours in 213. I look forward to the next one!

To my readers, please find the links to Brian’s books below. And watch for his next book, The Winds of Donegal, in 2025.

Where to Find B. E. Brecht & His Romance Novels

All of B. E. Brecht’s books are on Amazon. Click any link below to be directed to Amazon to purchase.

Always One
15 Hours in 213

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