Generosity in Business

When I started writing my first book in 2012, I really didn’t know where to start—and that was just the writing process itself! To that regard, a dear friend kept telling me, “Just start.” She literally met every excuse and uncertainty I expressed with the same response: Just start. And, I did. And once I started writing my manuscript, as every author can attest, then my mind became flooded with questions about the path to publication.

Where does one begin? What are the steps? What does it cost? Who can I trust? I felt like the tiniest uneducated little fish in the sea trying to attend affordable conferences, study online articles, and talk to anyone with experience in the elusive publishing industry—only to find myself drowning in conflicting information and subsequently, more questions. What’s worse, there were sharks looking to take advantage of all the little fish like me swimming alone in that big sea.

Why is this so hard?

Why was it so hard to connect with successful people in my industry? What was so secretive about the steps to publication? I was told back then that published authors snubbed unpublished writers, that published authors were stingy with information and advice because they believed every writer should earn their way to publication just as they had. Frankly, I found this hoarding of information and withholding of encouragement to be selfish and elitist. Of course, not everyone was like that, or I wouldn’t have the precious friends in the industry that I have today. I’m also happy to report that over the last dozen years, I have seen a shift in which there are significantly more authors, editors, publishers, and the like who are exceptionally generous with information and delighted to offer a hand up.

More of this.

Let’s normalize generosity in business, shall we? Let us charge a fair price—and with that, spend a few minutes by phone or email to encourage our clients or share a bit of knowledge or feedback when asked—without tacking on more fees or indebtedness of any kind. If we can’t provide the specific help someone needs, let’s redirect them to someone who can when we are able. When a person a few steps behind us on the same path reaches out with questions or curiosity about our experience, let us share of ourselves openly, generously.

How can I help you? I mean it. Send a message straight to my inbox via my Contact page. Or, use this link to schedule an appointment directly on my calendar if you like. Let’s talk—for free.

Let’s be generous in business. It’s just good practice.

Author Resources & Free Publishing Guide from Andria Flores

If we haven’t met, I am Andria Flores, freelance editor. You may have noticed, I really love my authors. I especially enjoy working with new authors. You will find many of the works I have edited with them in my Portfolio. As we work together, I generously share as much information as I can with my clients, whether that’s feedback, answers to questions about next steps on their journey, or referrals for book cover designers, website designers, or publicists.

You can actually find a lot of this information in my free Publishing Guide when you subscribe to my newsletter. It will give you a step-by-step guide through the process, as well as tips and tricks along the way. Once we’ve connected, I’m also happy to give you free access to my exclusive author resources page chock full of links to book and web designers, publicists, writing coaches, and proofreaders.


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